Create. Explore. Play.
We offer holistic occupational therapy services for children and adults, focusing on increasing functional life skills using interest-based learning and family involvement.

Why choose Oak Bloom OT?
Oak Bloom OT is changing the narrative on how families interact with their children. Through parent involvement, we are able to shift the way adults perceive their child’s differences. Using adaptive strategies for sensory & emotional regulation, and building self-awareness and communication skills, clients at Oak Bloom OT are able to access living life to its fullest!

Get Started...
1) Request access to fill out the OT intake form by creating a client portal
2) Fill out an OT intake form
3) Schedule a 15 minute consultation with Oak Bloom OT ($45 application fee applies) - here
4) Start 45 minute Occupational Therapy sessions with Pricelda, Hanna or Lee-Anne once a week; 50 minute parent session once a month